
Noël Amenc

Associate Dean Professor of Finance

Noël Amenc, PhD, is Professor of Finance and Associate Dean for Business Development at EDHEC Business School and the founding Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Beta. His concern for bridging the gap between university and industry has led him to pursue a double career in academe and business. Prior to joining EDHEC Business School as founding director of EDHEC-Risk Institute, he was the Director of Research of Misys Asset Management Systems, having previously created and developed a portfolio management software company.

He has published numerous articles in finance journals as well as four books on quantitative equity management, portfolio management, performance analysis, and alternative investments. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Portfolio Management, associate editor of the Journal of Alternative Investments, and member of the advisory board of the Journal of Index Investing. He is also a member of the Finance Research Council of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

He was formerly a member of the Consultative Working Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Financial Innovation Standing Committee and of the Scientific Advisory Council of the AMF (French financial regulatory authority). He holds graduate degrees in economics, finance and management and a PhD in finance.

Noel is also EDHEC Business School’s representative on the EDHECinfra Advisory Board.

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