
Opinion pieces from the team, and uses cases covering private markets, infrastructure investment, climate change, social risk, and more.

Featured image for “FT: Ignorance is not bliss: can investors ignore losses in airports?”

FT: Ignorance is not bliss: can investors ignore losses in airports?

Apr. 27, 2021
The risk of default in airports has increased, as has the risk of bankruptcy. This piece was originally published in the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal in April 2021. Can Covid Impact Long Term Investments? The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the airport sector highlights a dilemma about how investors approach the valuation of private, illiquid infrastructure assets:
Featured image for “FT: How exposed are infrastructure investors to inflation risk”

FT: How exposed are infrastructure investors to inflation risk

Apr. 25, 2021
The sensitivity of the value of unlisted infrastructure equity investments to changes in the discount rate is about 10% on average. This article was originally published in the Financial Times in April 2021. A Partial Inflation Hedge A return of inflation could unveil a significant risk exposure for investors in infrastructure. This asset class is often presented as an inflation
Featured image for “Q1 2021 Index Data Release – Bond-like characteristics?”

Q1 2021 Index Data Release – Bond-like characteristics?

Apr. 20, 2021
A quarter of rising interest rates highlights the role of duration in infrastructure investments.   After a year which tested the resilience of infrastructure investments and their sensitivity to lower dividends in the transport sector because of Covid-19 lock-downs and a higher equity risk premium across all sectors, Q1 2021 is a reminder of the role of interest rate risk
Featured image for “Report: Q1 2021 Covid-19 Revenue Forecast Updates”

Report: Q1 2021 Covid-19 Revenue Forecast Updates

Apr. 19, 2021
The Q1 2021 release of the EDHECinfra indices incorporates the views and asset-level revenue forecasts of our team of financial analysts. This report updates the Q4 2020 report and is presented following the TICCS® taxonomy of infrastructure companies. Each quarter, the team reviews the revenue forecasts of 650 companies that are currently live in the EDHECinfra universe, based on the latest
Featured image for “Towards a Scientific Approach to ESG for Infrastructure Investors. A Publication of the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute”

Towards a Scientific Approach to ESG for Infrastructure Investors. A Publication of the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute

Mar. 04, 2021
New research finds that ESG reporting schemes for infrastructure investors are not focused on measuring risks despite upcoming SFDR requirements to do so. A new publication of the EDHEC/Natixis Research Chair on ESG and infrastructure investment, “Towards a Scientific Approach to ESG for Infrastructure” reviews and maps major existing ESG schemes used by investors and finds that they are primarily
Featured image for “Strategic Asset Allocation with Unlisted Infrastructure. EDHECinfra Use Case Series”

Strategic Asset Allocation with Unlisted Infrastructure. EDHECinfra Use Case Series

Feb. 23, 2021
New Data Highlights the Role of Infrastructure in Multi-Asset Portfolios Latest benchmark data shows that unlisted infrastructure equity and debt could play a significant role in institutional portfolios with as much as 10% of the global portfolio. A new EDHECinfra paper entitled “Strategic Asset Allocation with Unlisted Infrastructure – Better Data for Sensible Results” shows the importance of benchmark selection