Robust benchmarks for investors in private infrastructure funds

Published:  November 2021
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The infraMetrics fund strategy analyser allows benchmarking the gross and net performance of unlisted infrastructure funds using robust IRR and multiple quartiles that are not biased or skewed by the limitation of manager contributed data.


The infraMetrics fund strategy analyser enables the gross and net performance of unlisted infrastructure funds to be benchmarked using robust IRR and multiple quartiles that are not biased or skewed by the limitation of manager contributed data. This tool makes thousands of observations of the typical performance of infrastructure funds available, in hundreds of segments, along with dozens of geographies and  20 years of vintages, all updated quarterly with no lag. Simulated results are both congruent with contributed market data at the aggregate level over a long period, and more robust and precise at the vintage year or sub-segment level. With this tool, infrastructure manager selection and fund monitoring are no longer hindered by unreliable and biased reported fund performance data.

The authors wish to thank for their comments and contributions to this paper Dr. Noël Amenc, Dr. Tim Whittaker, BlackRock, Landmark Partners, Evli Fund Management, Yielco, Mercer, DWS, GMPF & Local Pension Partnership.