P&I Supplement: Research for Institutional Money Management

Carolyn Essid

We examine ESG risks and their implications for the investment community, the investment impact of climate risk on global infrastructure, and present our latest research insights into infrastructure investment portfolio construction and risk management.

NAV 2.0: A better asset pricing model for private infra

CAPM may be ‘one of the founding frameworks of modern finance’, but for determining the net asset value of unlisted infrastructure it is terribly inadequate. Frédéric Blanc-Brude, the director of the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute explains why and offers an alternative. Originally published in Infrastructure Investor. When reporting the NAV of unlisted assets like infrastructure using discounted cashflows, best practice consists … Read More

Low Tide: What the Data Showed About Thames Water

Carolyn Essid

Low Tide

In this paper, we ask what investors in Thames Water – and its holding company Kemble Water – would have learned about the level of risk of their investment and its likely market value had they compared its characteristics to market and peer group data.